Since 2010, the Friends of Hong Kong Museum of Art have been hosting and organising "The Sound of Art", a free public concert held at the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) on the first Sunday of every month from 30:30pm to XNUMX:XNUMXpm.
This concert series features classical music, jazz, vocals, and young musicians performing traditional Chinese and Japanese music, making it a fun concert for families and children.
This month, we will hold a special Christmas concert on Saturday, December 12th. We have invited the Union Church Choir as a special guest. They will perform a number of fascinating songs. Please join us for the concert and enjoy a pleasant weekend at the Hong Kong Museum of Art!
[Christmas Concert Details]
Date: Saturday, December 2024.12.14, XNUMX
Time: 3:30–4:30 pm
Location: The Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Cost: Free
Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hong Kong LEI is a lifestyle magazine for women and families that brings more joy to life in Hong Kong.
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