


腎臓には多くの機能があります。 それらは主に血流から老廃物を取り除き、カリウムやナトリウムなどの特定の必須ミネラルのレベルを調節し、水を節約し、尿を生成するように作用します。











1- 頻尿。 これは猫の腎臓がうまく機能している兆候だと思われるかもしれませんが、実際には猫が水分を保持できなくなっていることを意味します。 彼らのトイレの外で排尿することは別の合図です。
2- たくさんの水を飲む。 これは、猫が排尿によって失った水分を取り替えようとしていることを意味します。
3- 膀胱と腎臓の細菌感染症。 これらは、腎臓の機能不全によって生成された希薄な尿でより簡単に発生します。
4- 体重減少と食欲不振。
5- 嘔吐、下痢、および血または混濁尿。
6- 特に歯茎と舌の口内潰瘍。
7- アンモニアのような臭いのある口臭。
8- 茶色がかった色の舌。
9- ドライコート。
10- 便秘。
11- 弱さと無関心。









【9Lives 動物病院 堅尼地城クリニック】
獣医救急センター (VEC)


当院のサービス: X線 手術、 内視鏡検査、超音波、 鍼、 歯の手入れ、 完全な健康診断、 24時間入院、 24時間緊急サービス、 その他のサービスについてはお気軽にお問い合わせください。

営業時間: 24時間 (通常: 8:00 – 20:00 | 救急: 24hrs)
お問い合わせ &ご予約:  2334 2334
住所: Shop 4-6 G/F, Shun Fai Bldg, 19 Hau Wo Street Kennedy Town, Hong Kong



【9Lives 猫病院 中環クリニック】


当院のサービス: X線、 手術、 超音波、 鍼 、歯の手入れ、 完全なヘルスチェック、 その他のサービスについては、お気軽にお問い合わせください

営業時間 9:00 – 21:00
お問い合わせ &ご予約: 2505 2505
住所: G/F, 37 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong


Regular Vet Check-ups for Cats are essential.

Even if you keep a close eye on your cat’s health, it’s a good idea to take them to the vet for an annual wellness and cat health check-up.

One of the most common diseases in cats is CKD.


Kidney Failure in Cats

What do my cat’s kidneys do?

The kidneys have many functions. They principally act to remove waste products from the blood stream, regulate the levels of certain essential minerals such potassium and sodium, conserve water, and produce urine.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects an estimated 1% to 3% of all cats.

This important cause of mortality in cats develops over a period of months or years. The associated nephron damage is progressive and irreversible even though some cats with CKD have stable serum creatinine concentrations for months to years.

Diagnosis of early CKD, followed by appropriate treatment, may result in improved survival.


There are two types of kidney failure in cats.

1-Acute renal failure develops suddenly, over a matter of days or weeks.

It happens in cats of all ages and is usually the result of:

-Poisons, which are the most common cause of acute renal failure. Antifreeze, toxic plants like lilies, pesticides, cleaning fluids, and certain human medications are highly poisonous to your cat’s kidneys.

-Trauma, especially involving a broken pelvis or burst bladder

-Shock from losing a lot of blood quickly or rapid dehydration; overheating in hot weather, a significant rise in activity, vomiting, and diarrhoea can all cause a big dip in fluids.

-Infection in the kidneys

-Blockages that change the flow of blood into the kidney and the flow of urine out of it (such as in a male cat that can’t pee because of a urethral blockage)

-Heart failure with low blood pressure, which reduces blood flow to the kidneys

If diagnosed in time, acute renal failure can often be reversed.

2- chronic kidney problems can be harder to treat. Found mostly in middle-aged and older cats, they develop over months and even years.

If your cat is 7 years or older, pay special attention to their health.


Signs Your Cat’s Kidneys May Be Failing

1-Frequent urinating. While you might think this is a sign your cat’s kidney are working well, it actually means they are no longer able to hold water. Urinating outside their litter box is another signal.

2-Drinking a lot of water. This means your cat is trying to replace the fluid they have lost through urinating.

3-Bacterial infections of the bladder and kidney. These develop more easily in the dilute urine produced by failing kidneys.

4-Weight loss and decreased appetite.

5-Vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody or cloudy urine.

6-Mouth ulcers, especially on the gums and tongue.

7- Bad breath with an ammonia-like odor.

8-A brownish-colored tongue.

9-A dry coat.


11- Weakness and indifference.


Diagnosis and Treatment

Your vet will do blood and urine tests. X-rays, an, or biopsy might also be needed to make a diagnosis.

If kidney disease is found, treatments can range from surgery to remove blockages to IV fluids to a special diet and medications.

A kidney diet is low in both phosphorus and protein, and is enriched with vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids will also help .




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